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Download Stensul's collected Tales of Horror in Email Creation

Each of our 7 Tales of Horror in Email Creation offers a real-world experience that drove the calm to be crazed. Read them for more restful nights and, more importantly, easier to manage days, and be sure to come back for more. Better to be smart than scared when it comes to email creation, as far as Stensul is concerned.

We've collected all of the comic book versions of the Tales of Horror, including the bonus Halloween story, into a downloadable PDF. Fill in the form below to check out all the stories.

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Ut urna ex, pharetra vel cursus eu, maximus ac nulla. Cras ac semper risus, eget pulvinar felis. Vestibulum eu tortor tempus, lobortis ligula tincidunt, lobortis nisl. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean auctor ac neque a pulvinar. Nulla ac pellentesque ligula, non pellentesque velit. Ut quis nulla quis erat egestas posuere. Etiam dignissim, ipsum ac facilisis facilisis, urna quam facilisis ipsum, quis tempus purus urna eget erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent quam lectus, laoreet at aliquam sit amet, vehicula ut lacus:

  • Lacus laoreet sodales
  • Diam convallis laoreet
  • Sed blandit commodo